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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Potatoes are a highly nutritious plant.

Potatoes are consider a highly nutritious plant and can be boiled, baked or fried to serve as a staple food. And although potatoes are a high-carbohydrate plant as many people think, did you know that potatoes have many incredible benefits? For example, they help nourish

What are the benefits of smiling?

Smiling is more than just a way to express emotion, a smile is a symbol we use to express happiness and joy. We all have many reasons to smile every day. We smile to greet others. Smile to express our emotions in the moment. Smiling

Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Cleaning the kitchen should be done at least 2-3 times a week to keep the kitchen free from germs, bacteria, and stubborn dirt. It also helps to make the atmosphere in the kitchen look good and free from germs. Take out the trash regularly to maintain

How to prevent night sweats

Do you wake up sweaty like you just went swimming? Anyone who has ever woken up in the middle of the night feeling hot and sweaty on the bed, even though the bedroom temperature is cool, and when you look at the person next to

Rice bran oil and its health benefits

Good health can be creat!! “Rice bran oil” is one of the most popular cooking oils around the world. It is ideal for frying or stir-frying because it helps maintain the nutritional quality of food even when exposed to high heat. It also has low viscosity,

Characteristics of wisdom teeth that need to be extracted

There are 4 wisdom teeth in total, inside the upper and lower mouth on the left and right sides. They are often in the area of ​​the last molar, which is located at the very back of the lower jawbone. As the chewing system has