What is the glycemic index of carbohydrates and why is it important?

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The Glycemic Index (GI) is an indicator of blood sugar levels after eating carbohydrates. which is important for diabetic patients. This is because eating foods with a high glycemic index will result in a much higher blood sugar level. Diabetic patients should therefore choose to consume foods that have a low to moderate glycemic index. Or eat foods that have a high GI along with foods. That have a low GI to achieve balance. Food types can be divided according to their GI levels as follows: UFABET  

  • Low GI foods It has a GI of 55 or less. It is often found in vegetables, fruits, various types of nuts, and grains that have been slightly processed. and low-fat dairy products
  • Medium GI foods Have a GI level of 56-69, including sweet potatoes, corn, white rice, or breakfast cereal.
  • High GI foods Have a glycemic index of 70 or higher, including white bread, rice cakes, crackers, donuts, or croissants.

However, another thing to consider when choosing carbohydrate foods is their nutritional value. Some high GI foods may be more nutritious than low GI foods. For example, oatmeal is higher on the GI and nutrients than chocolate. Patients should therefore choose to consume carbohydrate foods. That have an appropriate GI and are complete with nutrients. In the right amount for the body’s needs.